SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management

This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior managers who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with specialised managerial skills and substantial knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations. They operate with significant autonomy and are responsible for making strategic business management decisions.

This qualification provides a pathway to work in any hospitality industry sector and for a diversity of employers including restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multi-skilling and for acquiring targeted skills in accommodation services, cookery, food and beverage and gaming.

Duration104 Weeks
National CodeSIT60322
CRICOS Code111480M
Delivery ModeFace-to-face: 13.5hrs/week
Online: 6.5hrs/week
Tuition Fee$20,000
Enrolment Fee*$200
Material Fee*$200

Course Structure

SIRXSTR001Develop an ecommerce strategyElective
SIRXOSM007Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online settingElective
SIRXOSM002Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platformsElective
SIRXOSM004Analyse performance of social media and online business
SITXGLC002Identify and manage legal risks and comply with lawCore
SITHIND006Source and use information on the hospitality industryElective
SITXINV007Purchase goodsElective
SITXFSA005Use hygienic practices for food safetyElective
SITHIND008Work effectively in hospitality serviceElective
SITTTVL001Access and interpret product informationElective
SITXCCS010 Provide visitor informationElective
SITXMGT004Monitor work operationsCore
SITXMGT005Establish and conduct business relationshipsCore
SITXHRM009Lead and manage peopleCore
SITXFIN009Manage finances within a budgetCore
SITXFIN010Prepare and monitor budgetsCore
SITXCCS016Develop and manage quality customer service practicesCore
SITXCCS012Provide lost and found servicesElective
BSBFIN601Manage organisational financesCore
SITXFIN011Manage physical assetsCore
BSBINS401Analyse and present research informationElective
SITEEVT029Research event industry trends and practiceElective
BSBOPS601Develop and implement a business planCore
SITXMPR012Coordinate marketing activities Elective
SITXMPR014Develop and implement marketing strategiesCore
SITXHRM010Recruit, select and induct staffCore
BSBTEC303Create electronic presentationsElective
SITXCCS009Provide customer information and assistanceElective
SITXINV009Establish stock purchasing and control systemsElective
BSBOPS504Manage business riskElective
SITXHRM012Monitor staff performanceCore
SITXHRM007Coach others in job skillsElective
SITXWHS008Establish and maintain a work health and safety systemCore
   Note: Electives are pre-selected

Work Placement

Students are required to complete a minimum of 38 instances totalling 114 hours (a minimum of 3-hour shifts X 38 Shifts) of work placement training for the unit SITHIND008 Work effectively in hospitality service to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to work in the hospitality industry.

Students need to find a suitable Hospitality workplace like, restaurant, hotel, catering company which is convenient for them to travel to and can work in any of the following Hospitality departments Kitchen operations, Housekeeping, Front office or Food and Beverage service.

Entry Requirements

Students must be aged 18 or above and have satisfactorily completed Australian Year 12 or overseas equivalent school qualifications or Diploma in a related field.

English proficiency requirement:

  • IELTS overall score 6.0
  • TOEFL (iBT) score (only accepted if test is taken on or before 25 July 2023) of 64
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English Academic) score of 50

Language, Literacy and Numeracy

  • AIC staff will review an applicant’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during the application process with writing tasks and one-on-one interviews. If the review determines the applicant would benefit from a thorough language, literacy and numeracy skill assessment, AIC staff will discuss further options with the applicant as outlined in its Enrolment Policy.

Pathways from the qualification:

The students who undertake the SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management are provided with advice of further training options. Students who gain this qualification can further their study in undergraduate studies in Hospitality or find employment as:

  •     Area manager or operations manager
  •     Café owner or manager
  •     Club secretary or manager
  •     Executive chef
  •     Executive housekeeper
  •     Executive sous chef
  •     Food and beverage manager
  •     Head chef
  •     Motel owner or manager
  •     Rooms division manager.